According to the World Health Organization, there are 2.6 million new cases of illness due to Hepatitis each year worldwide. If you are a patient or resident living in the Middlesex area, contact us today to book your Hepatitis vaccine.
Hepatitis is a viral infection that spreads through contaminated food and water and can cause acute inflammation of the liver. People with Hepatitis infection can transmit this disease primarily through contact with blood or lymphatic fluids. It can be easily transmitted through sexual contact, blood transfusions and through contaminated needles from IV drug use, acupuncture, and tattooing.
Countries at Risk
Countries that maintain poor hygiene or quality of food are more prone to hepatitis than others. Hepatitis occurs across the globe but is predominantly seen in Africa, Asia, Central and South America. It is recurrently present in Africa, Indonesia, China, Korea, Philippines, Middle East, Haiti, Dominican Republic and the Amazon River Basin. Countries like, Russia, Japan, southwest Asia, Eastern and Southern Europe have been fortunate enough to witness less of an occurrence with hepatitis.
If you are going to be traveling outside the UK to countries that are prone to hepatitis, we advise that you make an appointment for the Hepatitis vaccination through our Middlesex based travel clinic.
- Adult travelers are recommended to get a full course of three shots before departure.
- Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B are available together in a 3-shot-series vaccine thus saving several pricks.
- Two booster shots are required for Hepatitis vaccine in order to be fully effective.
- The first hepatitis B booster vaccine is given one month after the initial dose, the second one after six months. Once all doses have been given, the vaccine will provide you with lifetime protection.
Unlike other vaccines, hepatitis B vaccination provides at least partial protection two weeks after the first dose. This means you can begin your series before your trip and complete it after.
Signs & Symptoms
Common symptoms include fever, abnormal weight loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, yellow discoloration of the skin and eyes, muscular aches and abdominal pain.
Drink water only from a sealed bottle or water that has been treated using a quality filter. Avoid using ice from an unknown water source. Avoid uncooked food at any cost. Eat fruits that you can peel yourself. Ensure that food is freshly cooked and served hot. Carry a personal hand sanitizer and do not share it with anyone.
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